A Journey Spared, a review by Corina

posted in: 5 star read, Corina | 0

That was the good Lord at work, and Jackson’s tenacity returning with a vengeance.

A Journey Spared

Alexandra Grace



361 pages

September 8, 2022

This was an amazing salute to veterans dealing with PTSD 🪖🎖️. The raw and frustrating emotions the MMC felt were very realistic going along with both Depression and PTSD, both can be intertwined together -especially if it’s not being treated. The MMCs journey of healing was messy but needed for his journey to find himself. The patched relationship between his father and him was endearing. 🥲 This wasn’t really about a heated relationship but about a man mentally and emotionally healing from wartime PTSD. The relationship aspect was a bit toxic for both parties; he was not ready for a romantic relationship and the FMC was possessive and needy. Both weren’t good for each other, even if she did help him start to heal and walk again. The housekeeper/ mother figure to Jackson was everything this book needed. She was the one that help Jackson and his father together and the glue that held all the characters together.

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