A Caller’s Game
J.D. Barker
RB Media
12 hours 16 minutes
March 30, 2021
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I could easily see this as a blockbuster Hollywood film. The action picks up pretty early in the book and doesn’t let up until the end. This is my first JD Barker book and I’m wondering why I haven’t read one sooner.
Jordan Briggs is a Howard Sternish radio talk show host that will do just about anything for her ratings, Bernie calls in wanting her to play a game with her and choose this or that with deadly consequences no matter what she chooses. The book alternates chapters between Jordan and a detective banished to patrol duty named Cole. While I couldn’t decide how I felt about Cole because it is long into the book before you find out what banished him at work, there was nothing about Jordan that I liked, yet I enjoyed the book.
Now I’ll admit I’m not sure the plot is entirely plausible but again, it didn’t stop my enjoyment. I think I’ve read so many slow burn books that it is refreshing that this one moved along at such a fast pace. Admittedly I had to take a break from the audiobook because I would become overwhelmed. But after the break I always came back to find out what would happen next. And of all the characters I was most intrigued by why Bernie wanted to cause so much destruction and grief.
Brian Hutchison and Mia Barron narrate Cole and Jordan and do a terrific job. Having the right amount of excitement and never overpowering the story.
The book gives you no time to work out the whys, so if that is important to you, then I would choose a different book. If you are looking for an entertaining read that doesn’t let up from start to finish, then you will like this book.
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